The rates for language services depend on a variety of factors. Feel free to get in touch with me directly for an individual quote tailored to the exact needs of the project.
In English-speaking countries, prices are usually calculated per word, but calculations per page are also possible. A standard page consists of 1500 to 1800 characters with spaces.
In the German-speaking countries, price calculation is usually done per line (a standard line has 55 characters with spaces). Only in special conditions (for instance literary texts) the prices can be calculated per page (a standard page has 30 lines or around 1650 characters with spaces) or per word.
The reason is easy enough to pinpoint for anyone who has heard of Mark Twain’s description of the horrors of German: The German language has a great number of composite words, some of them extremely long. However, they are still usually recognized as a single word.
For example, Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunternehmenbeamtengesellschaft, the longest word in German, has 86 characters. However, most word processors recognize it as a single word, even though in all practicality it counts as one line and a half. Granted, this is an extreme example. Most texts do not contain such words, but the trend is there nonetheless. This is why a per-line calculation is a more accurate method of finding out the length of a text.
There are two ways of calculating interpreting rates:
Interpreting assignments can be extremely varied. Therefore, feel free to contact me and we will set a price according to the needs of your project.
As stated under SERVICES, for simultaneous interpreting it is a must to hire two interpreters. This is the only way to guarantee quality interpretation throughout the day. For consecutive interpreting, interpreters usually work alone, as fatigue does not come as easily as in simultaneous interpreting. Still, even here, for longer sessions it is best to work as a team.
For other services, e.g. proofreading, localization, subtitling etc., the amount of work can vary grealty depending on the project and the tasks involved. Therefore, it is best to contact me directly for an individual offer tailored to the exact needs of the project